Anti-Money Laundering Policy and Procedure
Cwito Technology Ltd recognizes the importance of preventing money laundering and terrorism financing and is committed to the highest standards of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing in Nigeria.
To fulfil this commitment, Cwito Technology Ltd has established internal policies and procedures. This Policy establishes standards which every employee, customers and business partner of Cwito Technology Ltd should observe.
To prevent Money Laundering, Cwito Technology Ltd will implement processes and procedures in its Line of Businesses (LOBs) to conduct appropriate customer due diligence through the Cwito Technology Ltd Business Partner Screening Questionnaire, identifying the customer and verifying the customer’s identity on the basis of the following “Know Your Customer” principles:
Unusual activity during the customer due diligence process or customer engagement should be reported immediately to the designated Cwito Technology Ltd Chief Compliance department.
For Cwito Technology Ltd, the threat of being involved in money laundering and terrorist financing activities depends directly on the type of business that Cwito Technology Ltd customers carry out or on the country where Cwito Technology Ltd customers are located.
Cwito Technology Ltd will classify its customers based on a risk level in its applicable line of business processes and procedures. Identifying the potential risk will help to effectively manage these risks, implementing controls to mitigate the identified risk, if any.
Cwito Technology Ltd will not do business with the following segments of customers:
Customer documentation can either be submitted in physical or electronic form. An appropriate record of the received documentation, steps taken and copies of, or reference to, the documentation of the customer must be kept.
Records should be kept for as long as the relationship endures with the customer and for at least five (5) years after the relationship ends. In countries where this period exceeds the established period of time, the legally established time period will be considered to comply with local law.
Cwito Technology Ltd will designate an Anti-Money Laundering Officer. The Anti-Money Laundering officer will be responsible for:
Cwito Technology Ltd expects that, if any employee, customer or business partner becomes aware of any suspicion or knowledge of possible Money Laundering activity, this is reported without undue delay to the AMLO.
A report on suspicious activity should contain, at least, the following information, which will be confirmed by the
The AMLO may make reasonable enquiries within Cwito Technology Ltd to confirm these suspicions or obtain additional information to confirm these suspicions. After this assessment, the AMLO will determine whether or not it is necessary to file an official report to the responsible money laundering authority.
Details of internal reports will be held by the AMLO separately, excluded from customer files, to avoid inadvertent or inappropriate disclosure.
Cwito Technology Ltd has a high commitment to compliance and all employees are required to complete mandatory compliance training, including provisions on anti-money laundering, on an annual basis.
Job-specific and comprehensive anti-money laundering training should be provided to the relevant employee’s tom help recognize and deal with transactions which may lead to money laundering or terrorist financing.